MC5082 - Business to Business Marketing and Sales (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||
Module title | Business to Business Marketing and Sales | ||||||||||
Module level | Intermediate (05) | ||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | ||||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | ||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | ||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
This module looks at marketing challenges and specifically those facing businesses that serve the needs of organisations rather than households. ‘ Business to Business Marketing’ is a substantial, exciting and lucrative area. This module is used as a platform to help students understand the complexities of the business to business marketplace, Supply Chain Management, B2B Sales Management, Key Account Management, and other business marketing related fields of interest.
‘Business Marketing’ is a managerial process that facilitates the exchange of goods and services between organisations. The aim is to focus on key aspects such as manufacture, process, creating client value, negotiation, exchange and/or the supply of parts or finished products so that these are passed on to the next stage in the supply chain. This module looks at how each stage adds value, how vertical collaborations help create value, and how relationships can create and maintain market advantages. Business to business trade is a complex, risky and uncertain process. It requires strong business relations and links, good negotiating skills, some degree of bargaining power but most importantly a detailed knowledge of marketing.
‘Business Marketing’ offers a comprehensive introduction to the main theoretical and practical concepts of Business to Business Marketing including Sales organisation and management. The module looks at the connection between the different stages along the supply chain and how products are traded and handled between businesses before they reach the end consumer. ‘Business Marketing’ aims to also cover the complexities of buying and selling, and how marketing plays a vital role in creating and maintaining long lasting businesses relationships. The module additionally provides a rationale for allowing third parties to gain control of one’s vital marketing operations and functions.
Module aims to:
• explore the important and complex business processes many firms require to go through when firm to firm trade is initiated and developed, and look at the significance of Sales and Key Account Management to capitalise on marketing opportunities.
• examine supply chains and explain why products need to pass through a number of manufacturing stages and through different distribution channels before reaching end consumers.
• enhance students’ commercial awareness, research, and academic reading and presentation skills and prepare students to become more business oriented by applying theory in a relevant manner to find solutions to authentic business marketing problems and challenges.
• evaluate the importance of ethics, social responsibility, social justice, inclusion and sustainability and how these may lead to competitive advantages and better business prospects.
Prior learning requirements
Standard University entry requirement for L5 Marketing related courses
-Characteristics of organisational markets
-Differences between B2B and B2C environments
-Organisational decision making, buying process and behaviour
-Branding, and other marketing and communication mix variables
-Supply chain management, logistics and quality
- The Sales Process/Buying Cycle/B2C
v B2B
-Intercultural preparation / business ethics
-Creating client value/Building momentum/
alleviating risk
-Sales negotiations/ BATNA/Defending
-Key Account Management
-Impact of technology
Learning Outcomes LO1 - O2
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module will be taught over a 12-week period and consist of a 1-hour lecture and 2-hour seminar each week. The module seeks to assist students’ understanding of marketing practices and contextualise their knowledge in relation to product/services and public sector/non-profit organisations.
The seminars are learner-centred, and activity based. Activities will require participants to work on finding solutions to marketing problems. The seminars facilitate question and answer sessions, stimulate discussion, and promote critical and creative thinking. The seminars will normally address, in greater detail, material covered in the plenary session. Guided independent study, such as directed reading, online quizzes and self-tests, and research activities, further support in-class learning.
The use of WebLearn facilities is central to the delivery of the module handbook, case studies, journal articles and student feedback.
Learning outcomes
On completion of this module the student should be able to:
1. Recognise and analyse business marketing problems and demonstrate an understanding of how a firm is influenced by its environments. Discuss the rationale for forming business relationships, and appreciate how different bargaining tools can be used to create a competitive advantage.
2. Appreciate the importance of sales in the B2B context, the process of creating client value and the emerging trends and technologies and their impact on business marketing practice. Also, develop analytical, evaluative and presentation skills, and build competence in working with others.
Assessment strategy
The module is assessed by one component:
This is an individual piece of assessment. A Marketing / Sales report showing evidence of market research and ability to apply the key elements of the marketing system known as the marketing mix to products and services (LO1 & LO2).
Core Text:
Brennan, R., Canning, L., and McDowell, R. (2020) Business to Business Marketing. 5th edition. Sage
Essential Reading
Jobber, D. and Lancaster, G. (2015) Selling and Sales Management. 10th edition. Pearson.
Zimmerman, A, S., and Blythe, J. (2017) Business to Business Marketing Management A Global Perspective. Third edition.
Ellis, N., (2011) ‘Business to Business Marketing Relationships, Networks & Strategies’, Oxford University Press
Zeithaml, V.A., Bitner, M.J. and Gremler, D.D. (2017) Services Marketing: Integrating Customer Focus Across the Firm, 7th Edition, McGraw-Hill.
F. R. Dwyer, F. R. & Tanner, J.F. (2009) ‘Business Marketing; Connecting Strategy, Relationships, and Learning’, 4th International ed.: McGraw Hill Higher Education
Hutt, M. D., & Speh, T.W. (2010) ‘Business to Business Management’ 10 International ed., Cengage Learning.
Kotler, P and Pfoertsch, W. (2006) B2B Brand Management. Springer.
Academic Journals
Journal of Business & Industrial Marketing
Industrial Marketing Management,
Journal of Business-to-business Marketing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Services Marketing
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Product and Brand Management
Online Resources
B2B Marketing Magazine
International Marketing Review
Journal of Marketing Communications
Academy of Marketing Science Journal
International Journal of Service Industry Management
Services Marketing Quarterly
Journal of Voluntary and Non-Profit Marketing
Journal of Consumer Marketing
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Business Management
Journal of Electronic Commerce in Organizations
International Business Management
Online Resources
B2B Marketing Magazine
Electronic Databases:
Mintel, Market Intelligence, Keynote.
Financial Times, The Economist, Harvard Business Review, Marketing Week, Business Week.