module specification

SS4040 - The anti-oppressive practitioner (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title The anti-oppressive practitioner
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
40 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
188 hours Guided independent study
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   2000 word equivalent
Coursework 50%   2000 Word assignment
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Thursday Afternoon

Module summary

This module will embrace the notion of social justice, compassion, and inclusion. This is key to our Education for Social Justice Framework at London Metropolitan University

The rationale of this module is to provide students with an outline of the historical and contemporary approaches to the concepts of race, class, gender, sexuality, disability and other forms of oppressions and how power and the impact on notions of difference, identity, positionality and community has an affect. It will also explore how and when oppression became institutionalised and where it hasn’t been embedded in society supported by a unique philosophy.
It aims to:
● To explore and analyse the impact of the position that ideologies in relation to; race, class, gender, sexualities, age and disabilities etc. are  socially and politically constructed with reference to difference, culture / distinction  and community.
● Familiarise students with key issues that have practical importance in the lives of young people today, and assist students to reflect upon differences from a local to an international context and of the systems used by different societies to maintain people in a hierarchy.
● To analyse how power is maintained and implemented through normalising issues of compulsory heterosexuality, whiteness, religion and ‘ableism’.  It will also explore, compare and contrast cultures where power has not been abused.

Prior learning requirements



The syllabus will encourage students to think critically about issues affecting oppression in contemporary contexts and introduce theory, practice and applied youth work principles in relation to the following themes:

1. Socio-cultural dimension of oppression, exclusion and marginalisation of groups and communities, collective responses to oppression
2. Critically analyse the work of people such as; Steve Biko, Malcolm X, Gandhi, Noam Chomsky, Angela Davis and a variety of other theorists, writers and activists.
3. First Nation philosophies. The colonisation of people and the land.
4. The Politics of Class
5. Disability Models – Social and Medical
6. Diversity, multiculturalism and race
7. The values, principles, ethics and practice of  Youth Work In relation to racism, classism and disablism
8. The historical and contemporary perspectives on gender and sexuality
9. Identity issues - Androgyny, Transexuals, Heterosexuals, Lesbians, Gay men, Bisexuals
10. Masculinity - theories, research and approaches relating to men’s role in society, lifestyle and behaviour
11. Socio-economic, political and cultural theories relating to aspects of women’s life
12. Sex discrimination and sexual orientation legislation
13. Global issues affecting women
14. The importance of anti-oppressive practice in Youth Work

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will be taught by a blended learning approach to lecture and critical discussion. There will be a focus on group work.

A student-centred approach will be adopted in teaching and learning on the module, relying on class discussions/activities, reflections.

Learning outcomes

1. Recognition that work with young people remains within the professional boundaries of a youth worker's role and the core values of youth work and the wider context in which they operate (LO1).
2. Discuss organisational policies, procedures and legislation relating to equal opportunities, discrimination and oppression (LO2).
3. Demonstrate an awareness of anti-oppressive practice and behaviour in ways which promote youth work values, identify the connection between personal values, youth work values and behaviour in practice and analyse the use and abuse of power in micro and macro contexts (LO3).
4. Implement AOP effectively and with due regards to the principles and values of youth and community work and allied professionals (LO4).
5. Ability to work effectively as a youth worker using professional skills to enhance practice (LO5).
