SS5006 - Racism and Ethnicity (2023/24)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2023/24 | ||||||||||||
Module title | Racism and Ethnicity | ||||||||||||
Module level | Intermediate (05) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 30 | ||||||||||||
School | School of Social Sciences and Professions | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 300 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2023/24(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
This module explores theories and conceptions of racism and ethnicity, and the practices of racism in contemporary societies. The historical roots of racism will be examined and its contemporary forms studied comparatively. Racism is specifically explored within the context of social and political conflicts.
Module aims
• To analyse critically key concepts including racism and ethnicity themselves in order to develop an awareness of their contested nature.
• To look at these issues as worldwide problems and in a sociological context that explores the meanings ascribed to these terms, their historical origins and key examples of societies where these issues have been or still are important in shaping the social orders in which people live.
• To consider the impact of racism on specific communities and groups, including national, religious and ethnic groups.
• To examine the links between class, gender and ethnic differences.
Racism and Ethnicity in the UK: Concepts and application to the UK LO1
1. ‘Race’, Ethnicity: Migration and Settlement
2. Racialisation, Ethnic Classification, National Identity
3. Racism
4. Ethnic Mobilisation, ‘Race Relations’, Community Relations
5. Multiethnic London
II Racism and Ethnicity in the UK LO2
1. Employment and the Labour Market
2. Policing
3. Schooling
4. Housing and Neighbourhood
5. News Media
III Contemporary Issues LO1, LO2
6. Racial Science
7. Sport: Cricket and Football
8. Antisemitism
9. Multiculturalism and Islamophobia
10. EU Migration
IV Racism and Ethnicity beyond the UK LO2, LO3
1. United States: African Americans
2. United States: Hispanic/Latinos
3. Latin America
4. France
5. Germany
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
The module will utilise a combination of lectures, seminars, group activities, presentations, and video/film on world-wide racism and ethnicity. The lectures and seminars will utilise and expect students to use a wide selection of resources available to them in the library and online.
Students will be encouraged to engage in class discussions analysing specific issues and problems related to the notions of racism and ethnicity. The lectures, readings, seminars, and class exercises are geared to prepare the students for assessment assignments. The tasks (see assessment strategy below) are aimed at ascertaining whether the student has achieved all learning Outcomes outlined above.
Learning and teaching
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Identify and describe the key concepts, debates and controversies surrounding racism and ethnicity
2. Identify and analyse contemporary and historical examples of how these concepts play a significant part in shaping the social order.
3. Analyse a range of contemporary/historical issues where racism or ethnicity have played important parts in shaping the social order and to utilise their own knowledge and experience to illuminate these discussions.
Assessment strategy
Week 14: 3000 word essay 50% of marks
Week 27: 3000 word coursework 50% of marks
The assessment criteria for the essays will be discussed in detail in the module, and will expect the student to: present an approach for understanding theories, concepts, and debates; apply these concepts to case studies; convey arguments cogently, using their own thoughts, analysis and wording; support all claims and assertions with evidence, drawing from readings and case studies examined in the module; engage in use of appropriate academic sources and reference as assigned; and write with due regard to syntax, grammar, and expected academic standards.
In part, the seminars and class exercises will help students to learn how to approach the tasks for assessment and show the relevance of broad concepts of racism and ethnicity.
Core readings:
ebooks in Londonmet library
Burdsey, D. (2013) Race, Ethnicity & Football, Routledge
Finney, N. (2009) Sleepwalking to Segregation? Policy Pr
Garner, S. (2010) Racisms: An Introduction, Sage
Goldberg, D. (2009) The Threat of Race, Blackwell
Law, I. (2010) Racism and Ethnicity, Longman
Additional readings:
Lentin, A. (2011) The Crises of Multiculturalism, Zed Pr
Meer, N. (2014) Key Concepts in Race and Ethnicity, Sage
Murji, K. & Solomos, J. eds (2015) Theories of Race & Ethnicity, Cambridge Univ Pr
Omi, M. & Winant, H. (2015) Racial Formation in the US, Routledge
Rattansi, A. (2007) Racism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford Univ Pr
Triandafyllidou, A. (2012) European Multiculturalisms, Edinburgh Univ Pr
Bloch, A. & Solomos, J. (2010) Race and Ethnicity in the 21st Century, Palgrave
Bloch, A. et al (2013) Race, Multiculture & Social Policy, Palgrave
Craig, G. et al (2012) Understanding Race and Ethnicity, Policy Press
Panayi, P. (2010) An Immigration History of Britain, Longman
Rattansi, A. (2011) Multiculturalism: A Very Short Introduction, Oxford Univ Pr