module specification

CA5058 - Risk and Crisis Management (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Risk and Crisis Management
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
34 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
80 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   Individual Final Report (2500 words)
Other 50%   Real time simulated In-Class scenario-based risk and mitigation exercise. Students are given a scenario to respond to
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Tuesday Afternoon

Module summary

The aviation and travel industry has a huge number of interdependent factions within it and this leads to vast operational complexities. This together with a highly regulated industry, a competitive and dynamic external environment and a substantial level of Government involvement has the potential expose this sector and, airlines and airports alike, to a vast array of risks and uncertainties, both internally and externally. Because of the very nature of those risks, there are many uncertainties and disruptive events and this module seeks to understand how to put in place a co-ordinated, effective response that mitigates the effect of such events and minimises harm to an organisation’s stakeholders.

This module will explore the types of risk that the aviation and travel sector are exposed to and, what possible solutions might be put forward to mitigate against these. The module also seeks to understand what crisis management is and how to effectively apply it to the aviation industry.

More specifically the module will help develop the students understanding of how to assess, evaluate, mitigate and monitor risks as they pertain to the sector.

The module aims are as follows;

  • to develop students understanding of theoretical modules for risk and crisis management
  • to allow students to identify good practice and lessons learnt from both the sector itself and, related industries.
  • to build a practical knowledge base of the resource requirements and facilities necessary for airlines, airports and the travel industry to operate as effectively and efficiently as possible in sub optimal business environments
  • to enable students to assess risks and develop robust business contingency plans to mitigate against such risks

Prior learning requirements



The need for Risk Assessment - LO1

Risk Theories and Models - LO1

Business Continuity and crisis management concepts - LO1

Airline and Airport Emergency Planning - LO2

Developing a safety culture - LO2

Insider threats and internal risks - LO1

Supply chain disruption - LO2

Operational Risks - LO2

Risks associated with changing global demographics and evolving business models - LO2

Identifying risks and categorising them using risk matrices - LO2

Developing a business contingency and risk mitigation plan - LO2

Impact of changing regulations - LO2

Communication and collaboration (internally and with external stakeholders) - LO2

Exercising the crisis plan and the importance of live simulations - LO3

Establishing a command centre and crisis management team - LO3

Facilities required for the command centre and by the crisis team - LO3

Please note learning outcome four is covered by all of the above!

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The formal delivery of the teaching and learning will be based on three contact hours per week spread over 12 weeks with additional enrichment weeks throughout the semester. The contact hours will be formed of a two-hour workshop involving lectures, guest speakers, case study discussions, panel discussions and debates, videos and online Weblearn platforms, as well as scenario-based activities and simulations. The remaining hour of contact time shall comprise of a seminar-based approach where current risk and crisis management themes and topics will be explored in more detail.

Within the module there is significant opportunity to participate in proactive learning activities via the use of Weblearn facilities which promote inter-active discussions on crisis management between both peers and lecturers and enables learners to share resources and access links to external journal articles, websites and other sources.

Discussion and debate are actively encouraged both within the classroom context and via Weblearn. Students participating in this degree come from a variety of backgrounds and often have a wealth of industry experience on risk and crisis management upon which to draw. It is useful to access this via proactive and inter-active classroom management. Students have a responsibility to prepare for forthcoming lectures so as to ensure that they fully understand the concepts discussed and, so as they can participate fully in debates and discussions. This can be done via accessing the module specifications and module material on-line or via Weblearn, and ascertaining the forthcoming weeks lecture content.

Tutors will provide an indication of forthcoming lecture content at the end of each preceding lecture. The student should then research articles and appropriate readings around these themes so as to contribute fully to discussions and inter-active Question and Answer sessions within the lecture.

Opportunities for reflective learning will be available throughout the module as students are given the opportunity to consider their approach to tasks and discussions whilst simultaneously having the opportunity to reflect upon informal feedback that may be given from lecturers on ideas and concepts spoken of in class and, on assessments submitted.

Learning outcomes

Upon Completion of this module the student will be able to do the following:

  1. Distinguish between the differing risk and crisis management models / theories in the context of the aviation and travel industry sectors (LO1).
  2. Analyse risks and uncertainties associated with the aviation/ travel and tourism industry (LO2).
  3. Effectively plan a risk mitigation strategy using risk matrices (LO3).
  4. Apply risk and crisis management to a variety of scenarios in the aviation industry (LO4).


The full reading list can be found via the following link

If you cannot access the URL Please see the full reading list below:

Core Texts
Fouris, T. (2016) Risk Management and Corporate Sustainability in Aviation. Routledge
Stolzer, A. (2015) Safety Management Systems in Aviation. Routledge
Stolzer, A. (2015) Human Factor Models for Aviation Accident Analysis and Prevention. Routledge
Stolzer, A. (2013) Implementing Safety Management Systems in Aviation. Routledge
Leonhardt, J. (2006) Critical Incident Stress Management in Aviation. Routledge
Woods, M. (2018) Risk Management in Organisations. Routledge

Ancillary Reading:
Valsamakis, A.C. (2002) Risk Management: Strategy,Theory and Practice, RIRG
Santomero, A, The revolution in risk management, in Mastering Finance, 1998, Financial Times Publication.
Duffey, R. (2008) Managing Risk: The Human Element. Wiley Blackwell
Garlick, A.R. (2007) Estimating Risk: A management approach. Gower
Holliwell, J. (1998) Risk: enough rope to hang the business. Financial Times Publication
Ritter, L. (2007) Securing Global Transport Networks: A Total Security Management Approach. McGraw Hill
Sheenan, J. (2013) Business and Corporate Aviation Management: on-demand air transportation. Mcgraw Hill
Starkie, D. (2008) Aviation Markets Studies in Competition and Regulatory Reform. Ashgate
Yilmaz, A. (2008) Airport Enterprise Risk Management Model. VDM Verlag
Yilmaz, A. (2008) The Best Enterprise Risk Management Practice for Airline and Airport Business. VDM Verlag
Wells, A. and Chadbourne, B. (2007) Introduction to Aviation Insurance and Risk Management. krieger
Risk Management Handbook. (2016) FAA

Within this you should read 'responding to emergencies' and the short guide to the civil contingencies act 2004 - publications section with particular emphasis on CAP 642/576/168

We also particularly advise you to look up information on high profile air accidents, their causes and their effects so as you will be able to contribute to seminar discussions