module specification

CY4061 - Introduction to Organic Chemistry (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Introduction to Organic Chemistry
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 150
20 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
96 hours Guided independent study
34 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   Practical report (1275 words)
Coursework 50%   Portfolio of quizzes (3 x 20 mins)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Thursday Morning

Module summary

The module is concerned with the fundamental and basic chemical concepts within the context of Organic Chemistry and starts to develop the more specialist knowledge of organic reactions required for later modules of organic chemistry.

The aim of this module is to ensure you will develop key skills and knowledge in:
1. understanding organic chemistry nomenclature.
2. identifying the types of reactions that are taking place.
3. recognising how reaction mechanisms work.
4. developing synthetic routes to simple structures.

Prior learning requirements

Available for Study Abroad? YES


Substitution and Elimination reactions, simple oxidation and reduction reactions, introductory carbonyl and carboxyl chemistry, reaction of alkenes (1-3, 5)
Concepts in aromaticity, electrophilic aromatic substitution reactions, heterocyclic systems (1-5)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Teaching and learning sessions include lectures/tutorials/workshops (30 h), practical (4 h) with feedback where appropriate.
Tutorials have an emphasis on problem solving based on pre-set work with student participation and group activities. Students will be expected to prepare in advance for tutorials to develop problem-solving skills using worksheets provided. Feedback from these sessions facilitates the learning process. Lectures are used to set context and to deliver subject material, and are linked to tutorials, minitests, the practical and problem sessions. Students will be expected to reflect on the learning experience and develop their own understanding of the material.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module the student will be able to:
1. identify structures of unknown compounds.
2. understand the relationship between structure and reactivity.
3. understand and explain the basics of reaction mechanisms.
4. elucidate core features of the chemistry of aromatic species.
5. understand the basic concepts of organic synthesis and synthesis design. Students should be able to propose a reaction scheme for synthesising a simple compound and suggest a mechanism using “curly arrow notation”.
