module specification

CC6052 - Management Support Systems (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Management Support Systems
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 150
45 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
69 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Software development and report based on Case study
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

CC6052 Management Support Systems 15 weeks: This module enables students to build on their existing knowledge of databases to understand the application of computer-based information systems used in business for the support of management decision-making, e.g. Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Executive Information Systems, etc


The major topics of study on this module are:
• Management decision-making: LO1,LO2
- functions of management
- levels of management decision-making
- information needs of managers
- the relationship between business strategy and information systems strategy
• Information systems that support management decision-making: LO2,LO3
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Information reporting systems
- Content Management Systems
- Decision Support Systems (DSS)
- Expert Systems (ES)
- Executive Information Systems (EIS)
- Business Intelligence (BI)
- Manpower planning simulation models
- Knowledge management
• Techniques and methods: LO4
- developing management support systems
- elementary models used in computer-based decision support
- evaluation of support offered by management support systems

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Formal lectures (1 hour per week) will cover theoretical aspects relating to different management support systems and the support they provide for management decision-making.
This module develops practical knowledge of management support systems with weekly workshop sessions (2 hours) that ensure that all students receive hands-on experience of design and development of a management support system linked to a case study.  Students will spend time on directed, unsupervised learning for which an indication of relevant material (book chapters, journals and other publications) will be given. Students are expected to identify and refer to a relevant publication in their coursework report.
Learning materials are made available in the university’s VLE, and use is also made of video snippets and YouTube videos.
Students will be expected and encouraged to produce reflective commentaries and an action plan for personal development on the learning activities and tasks that they carry out to complete their work, e.g. in the form of an assessed section of their coursework report/essay

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:
LO 1. Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the key processes involved in management decision-making at all levels within a business organisation
LO 2. Show an awareness of the ways in which information and information systems support management decision-making.
LO 3. Prove a detailed understanding of the structure and function of computer-based information system that have a role in supporting managers in their decision-making activities.
LO 4. Produce, in teams, a computer-based information system that would provide significant support to management in the decision-making associated with a given business scenario, along with supporting design and implementation documentation.



Core Text:

Turban, E., Sharda, R., Delen, D., 2010, Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9th edition, Pearson, ISBN-10  0132453231, ISBN-13 978-0132453233 [CORE]

Other Texts:

Cadle J. & Yeates D., 2007, Project Management for Information Systems, 5th edition, FT Prentice Hall, ISBN-10: 0132068583, ISBN-13: 978-0132068581
Chaffey, D., and Wood, S., 2011, Business Information Management: Improving Performance Using Information Systems, Financial Times Management, ISBN-10: 0273711792, ISBN-13: 978-0273711797

Journals: Taylor and Francis online Journals


Electronic Databases: ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore/IET Digital Library