module specification

SC5051 - Youth, Crime and Violence (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Youth, Crime and Violence
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 150
105 hours Guided independent study
45 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   2500 word essay
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Friday Afternoon

Module summary

Academic authors have shown that for centuries adults have expressed concerns about the anti-social and criminal behaviour of young people. In recent times, this concern has centred on rising levels of violent crime by young people and the burgeoning ‘gang, gun and knife crime culture’ in the UK. You will critically examine young people’s involvement in crime and violence.

This module examines key theories for understanding violence by the young and explores the connection between violent behaviour and a variety of social issues such as peer pressure, gender, ‘race’ and ethnicity, and alcohol and substance misuse. This highlights the impact of changing economic, political and cultural contexts from the global to local.

Module aims:

1. Familiarise you with the theoretical perspectives that have shaped criminological thought on violence by young people.
2. Encourage you to develop a critical overview of young people’s engagement in violent crime.
3. Develop your ability to research, analyse and communicate critical and informed arguments relating to the theory, policy and practice underpinning youth involvement in violent crime.

Prior learning requirements

Available for Study Abroad? YES


This module examines historical and current debates on youth crime and violence. As well as examining theory, public policy and criminal justice responses to violent offending by young people the module will debate some of the following topics/issues:

• Youth violence in shifting historical and structural contexts

• Subcultures, gangs and collective violence

• Drugs, alcohol and youth violence

• Female violence

• Youth violence in the media

• Youth violence, youth justice and punishment


Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

A variety of teaching and learning methods are employed to facilitate the development of subject-specific and transferable skills. These include lectures, seminars, workshops, visual material and self-directed learning. To facilitate the learning process, you are provided with a dedicated weblearn platform upon which study resources are located.

Seminar material is also provided, encouraging you to take up small group and individual tasks in a collaborative environment. Therefore, giving the opportunity for you to lead discussions in light of your lived experience and evidence provided through academic and peer reviewed materials.

The module requires approximately 7 hours per week in self-directed research and study, including interaction with other students by e-mail, and writing activity.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the key criminological theories on youth engagement in violent crime. 

2. Apply theoretical concepts of violent crime to social issues. 

3. Demonstrate an understanding of the different constructions and manifestations of youth crime and violence in the historical context.

4. Demonstrate critical analysis of criminological approaches to youth crime and violence.
